Celebrating Trans Parents Day!

When I began my gender transition eleven years ago, the doctors told me that I should freeze my eggs if I ever wanted to have biological children. I did not freeze any of my eggs because at the time, the option was not financially accessible for me. But you see, I’m someone who has always…

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Finding Passion Beyond Parenting

Hello my sweet community! It’s been a while since I’ve written or posted here and want to do a quick check-in. The truth is, I feel lost. I mean, when it comes to parenting and raising Wilder, I feel like I’m doing a rockstar job and am totally on track. Wilder is thriving and I…

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When Growth Punches You In The Gut

I’ve been spending a lot of time reflecting these past few months while standing as still in the present moment as possible. Last week, I was sucker punched right in the gut by some growth and want to share a bit about it with you all. Now, I wanna start by saying that I’ve been…

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Guess What?!!

Alright, all of you who take the time to read my blog get to hear the exciting news first! My dreams have always been to travel and worldschool my child. The pandemic has impacted those dreams and every day we learn to adapt to this isolated life within it. But, we are adapting and as…

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You Are Enough

As someone who has struggled with depression my entire life, feeling like enough is a challenge that has followed in its shadows for, well, forever. Even now, I can still sometimes feel it lurking in the darkness, waiting for me to believe the next lie that my depression tells me so that it can jump…

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What Does Wilder Call You?!

Let’s just jump right to the point, because I don’t have the patience for beating around the bush this morning. In fact, these days my toddler gets every ounce of patience that my body can produce, so if I sound inpatient in my writing, that’s why. But, this morning instead of mindlessly scrolling because I…

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What Being Non-Binary Means To Me

One of the things that I love so much about gender and identity is that even when two people share the same identity, their definitions and experiences within that identity can be very different. This means one person’s experiences should never be the go-to narrative for an entire community. This also means that if you…

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Let’s Talk About Letting Go

One of the hardest things that I’ve learned over the last ten years while trying to get (but really, stay) sober, is the ability to let go. Sometimes this means letting go of control over how other people drive, sometimes this means letting go of people and relationships that I may not yet be ready…

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Are They a Boy or a Girl?!

The most common thing that I get asked is how do I answer the question, “are they a boy or a girl?!”  As a parent practicing gender creative parenting, this is how that usually goes. But, I want to preface by saying that Wilder is being raised during a pandemic, is unable to get vaccinated…

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