My Hero – Hands Down


This might not come as a surprise to many of you, but I’ve had a hero since the day I was born. In fact, I was born alongside her dead body. You see, my twin sister was born dead – without a heartbeat and was that way for twenty-eight minutes. Then, my mother describes a profound spiritual experience that she had which brought my sister back to us. Deanna, my twin sister, has hands down, absolutely been my hero since the day I was born, two minutes after she was.

As a result of her birth, Deanna lives in the world with various disabilities. And she rocks every things one of them. In high school, Deanna met her high school sweetheart, Keith. Keith also has disabilities, most stemming from being a child brain cancer survivor TWICE. So here was my twin sister in high school, dating someone who you would see the love between without even looking.

The doctors told my mother that my twin sister wouldn’t be able to suck, swallow or breath on her own because of her birth, and you know what know? Not only is she able to do all of those things, but after high school, her and Keith moved into an apt together and lived independently. And then, on July 7th, 2013, Deanna and Keith made a dream come true and got married. It was the most proud I think that I’ve ever been in life, to see my twin sister defy all odds and marry her high school sweetheart, who had also walked a similar path in life. The love they have for each other is one that I hope to find someday.

Since then, they have moved into a home that they now own with the help of family, both work full-time at jobs where they are loved and deeply valued, and two years ago, they adopted a newborn baby, whom they excelled at caring for until the biological mother changed her mind about the adoption. After one month of loving and caring for a newborn, he was taken away. The next day, I found out that I was pregnant.

Deanna and Keith handled that situation better then anyone I could have ever believed and as a result, have started down their own path of conceiving. It’s been a challenge with many many roadblocks, some of which they are still stuck at.

But recently, Keith became unwell and as of now, has been in the hospital for three days. They don’t know what is wrong, but what they do know is that he was unable to recognize my sister at night and that her heart is absolutely breaking right now. I can feel the heart break from across the county as if I were right next to her.

Aside from Wilder, Deanna is my favorite person in this entire world and has more courage then I could even dream of having. She’s overcome so much and has kept her big ol’ smilie the entire time. We slept    in the same bed until 7th grade. We were both held back in kindergarten so we could stay together in school and I we walked side-by-side at graduation. To simply say that I’m proud of her and that I love her, would be the understatement of my lifetime.

She’s my hero. And right now she’s so scared and it’s breaking my heart from all the way across the country. If you are the praying type, please say a prayer for Keith and Deanna. If you not, let’s manifest health and wellbeing and send it their way.

Danna and Keith both deserver the world. Keith, keep fighting brother-in-law. We’re all rooting for you and the world is holding you in their light and love.

My heart is heavy today, but hopefully.


With Wonder,

Danny (& Wilder)



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  1. Ali on December 29, 2021 at 7:16 pm

    Sending so much love and hope to Keith and Deanna. Hoping for the best!

  2. Stacy on December 29, 2021 at 8:15 pm

    What a special bond between you two. I pray healing and health for your brother in law and peace and light for you all!

  3. Claire on December 29, 2021 at 8:35 pm

    What a beautiful story. Praying for your family at this time xxx

  4. Robyn on December 29, 2021 at 11:06 pm

    She sure sounds like a hero to me.

    I hope Keith’s issues are sorted. Can he not see at night?? My Dad had night blindness it was lack of vitamin A. Maybe have his checked??

  5. Sarah on December 29, 2021 at 11:55 pm

    Love, light and healing sent from Australia. What a beautiful tribute to your sister and brother in law. May they find strength in each other and all the people thinking of them right now xx

  6. Denisr on December 30, 2021 at 12:06 pm

    Sending hugs and love to Deanna and Keith❣️

  7. Rhonda Davis on January 4, 2022 at 10:56 pm

    Sending lots of love and prayers for both Deanna and Keith. May God rest his healing hand upon Keith and heal his body from the illnesses and turmoil he is facing.
    Also sending love to you and Wilder, do happy they are feeling better. Your an amazing Papa amd Wilder is very lucky and blessed to have a Papa like you.

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