Follow My Journey

A New Day, and a New Chapter

By Danny The Trans Dad | November 1, 2021 |

In some ways, today feels like the first day of the rest of my life. Not like it did when I got sober. I don’t think anything will feel like the first day of sobriety after surrending to the death grips that addiction had on me. Or like the moment that I met Wilder and…


Thoughts About Pride Month

By Danny The Trans Dad | June 18, 2021 |

I want to take a moment and spend some time talking about Pride month because I haven’t really yet, and I want to speak to why that is.  I want to address some of the feelings that I’m having around Pride again this year and how they’re some of the same feelings I’ve felt over…


Visiting the ER as a pregnant Transmasculine non-binary person.

By Danny The Trans Dad | April 22, 2021 |

Exactly one year ago today, I had to walk into my first Emergency Room visit, alone, as a pregnant Transmasculine non-binary person. The day before I called my doctor because for two solid weeks I couldn’t stop puking. She suggested that perhaps it was no longer COVID-related (which I had tested positive for four week…


Starting from the Beginning

By Danny The Trans Dad | June 16, 2020 |

I’ve wanted to start writing as a way of documenting my experiences for almost a decade now. But I’ve always struggled with self-sabotaging and shame that has tried to keep me silent, and unseen beyond the portrait that I portrayed of myself. I was always looking in the past for a starting point or trying…


How the Be Kind Campaign Started & the Journey Now

By Danny The Trans Dad | May 19, 2020 |

The Be Kind campaign was birthed from a desire to inspire people to create connections with others through the simple act of kindness. As someone who, like so many others, has experienced a grave amount of bullying in this lifetime, I’ve also experienced just how powerful kindness can feel.  Kindness has changed and saved my…


Man Hands A Sunflower To A Crying Stranger Who Says It’s A Sign From Her Deceased Fiancé

By Danny The Trans Dad | March 24, 2020 |

Last night I bought a sunflower to put on the windshield of someone I’m smitten with. After some consideration, I decided not to since we had only been on one date, the night previous. Don’t want to come off too strong, right? Anyway, I grabbed the flower on my way out this morning with the…